Selasa, 31 Ogos 2010

Independence Day Of Malaysia

The effort for independence was spearheaded by Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, the first Prime Minister of Malaysia, who led a delegation of ministers and political leaders of Malaya in negotiations with the British in London for Merdeka, or independence along with the first president of the Malayan Chinese Association (MCA) Tun Dato Sir Tan Cheng Lock and fifth President of Malaysian Indian Congress Tun V.T. Sambanthan. Once it became increasingly clear that the Communist threat posed during the Malayan Emergency was petering out, agreement was reached on February 8, 1956, for Malaya to gain independence from the British Empire. However, for a number of logistical and administrative reasons, it was decided that the official proclamation of independence would only be made the next year, on August 31, 1957, at Stadium Merdeka (Independence Stadium), in Kuala Lumpur.

The Federation of Malaysia, comprising the States of Malaya, North Borneo (later renamed Sabah), Sarawak and Singapore was to be officially declared on the date August 31, 1963, on the 6th anniversary of Malayan independence. However, it was postponed to September 16, 1963, mainly due to Indonesian and the Philippines' opposition to the formation of Malaysia. Nevertheless, North Borneo and Singapore declared sovereignty on August 31, 1963. Indonesian opposition later escalated to a military conflict. Indonesia considered Malaysia as a new form of colonization on the provinces of Sarawak and Sabah in the island of Borneo (bordering Kalimantan, Indonesia), which they laid claim on. [2] To assure Indonesia that Malaysia was not a form of neo-colonialism, a referendum, organized by the United Nations, and the Cobbold Commission, led by Lord Cobbold, were formed to determine whether the people of Sabah and Sarawak wished to join Malaysia. Their eventual findings which indicated substantial support for Malaysia among the peoples of Sabah and Sarawak, cleared the way for the final proclamation of Malaysia.

The formation of the Federation of Malaysia was then announced on September 16, 1963 as Malaysia Day. The nationwide Independence Day celebration is still held on August 31, the original independence date of Malaya, while Malaysia Day is a public holiday only in East Malaysia. However, this has caused some minor discontent among East Malaysians in particular since it has been argued that celebrating the national day on August 31 is too Malaya-centric.[3][4][5] It is decided that starting 2010, Malaysia Day will be a nationwide public holiday in addition to Hari Merdeka on August 31.

Never Regret What I Choose..

Direct selling is a popular career choice for many individuals in these tough economic conditions and there is nothing more self-satisfying that being successful. In the modern age, we can't deny the fact that these companies such as Avon, Mary Kay, Amway etc have been well accepted by the general public. Therefore, it is no surprise find both men and women signing on their application forms and have these as their main source of income. In fact, many of these individuals succeeded in buying their own cars and even homes through direct selling; but just how do they do it?  Just continue reading and you will find out.
The Internet is a potpourri of information. You can easily avail tips to be successful in direct selling. Having mentioned that, I have some personal 7 useful tips to share with you in order to be successful in direct selling.
o    Manage your time - Time indeed equates to money! When it comes to direct selling, every minute you waste, is a dollar lost. You will need to manage your time well between setting appointments, going for product discussions, group discussions in addition to your own personal activities.
o    Set realistic goals - When you enter the direct selling industry, it is important to know what are the things that you should be accomplishing. You can write down your goals and take the necessary steps needed in order to achieve them. Do not set goals that is impossible to achieve. Divide them into short and long-term goals.
o    Have a positive attitude - Success is not just about working hard. Actually success is mainly made up of having a positive attitude (at least 90%). Having a positive attitude in direct selling means not giving up easily after failures in getting sales.
o    Take control-  It is most vital that you take control of your own course. Never be afraid to ask if you are unsure. When there is an opening for a business opportunity, take control and move in at the right time!
o    Have a work space - Whether it is in an office or from your own home, it is imperative that you feel comfortable working in your work space. It should also be a space that will motivate you to work harder.
o    Finance management - In direct selling, it is important to become a professional in managing your finances. This is because often than not, your income is mainly based on sales commissions; without which you will have practically little or no income at all even.
o    Be excited - This means that you have to show your prospective customers that you yourself is every bit excited in the product/service that you are trying to sell.
Direct selling involves a lot of patience and effort. However, the efforts will be well worth it as you have every chance to succeed.

Ahad, 29 Ogos 2010

Al-Quran Dan Perubahan Dalam Kehidupan

Sebelum turunnya Al-Quran manusia (khususnya di Benua Arab) secara amnya hidup di dalam kepelbagaian ragam kepercayaan, kebudayaan dan etika. Dan kemudian Al-Quran diturunkan dengan membawa rahmat perubahan.
Antaranya ialah:
1. Bidang Akidah: Melalui pernyataan yang dibawa oleh Al-Quran tentang tuhan itu Esa dan Tunggal, maka kepercayaan bertuhan banyak (politheisme) menjadi gugur (tidak diakui oleh Islam). Sebab tidak ada tuhan selain Allah SWT, dan Dialah Yang Maha Pencipta alam semesta ini. Kepercayaan seperti ini dinamakan tauhid.
2. Bidang Ibadah: Al-Quran datang dengan petunjuk bahawa yang berhak untuk disembah hanyalah Allah SWT. Dia Yang Tunggal, pencipta manusia dan alam semesta. Al-Quran dengan petunjuk yang demikian, melarang keras beribadah kepada patung, berhala, matahari, bulan atau selain Allah SWT. Sebab, tidak ada sekutu bagiNya.
3. Bidang Akhlak: Al-Quran memberi petunjuk dan garis pemisah tentang kriteria antara akhlak yang baik dan terpuji dengan akhlak yang buruk dan tercela. Masalah-masalah pembunuhan, perzinaan, perjudian, pencurian dan merampas harta orang lain, tidaklah masuk dalam wawasan akhlak, justeru masalah-masalah tersebut termasuk kedalam tindakan jenayah dan pembuatnya wajib dijatuhkan hukuman.
4. Bidang Siyasah (Politik): Al-Quran dan sunnah Rasul (Al Hadits) tidak mengakui kedaulatan umat atau penguasa. Kedaulatan menurut kedua sumber tersebut dan sumber lain yang diakui kaum muslimin adalah milik Allah dan RasulNya. Hanya 'kekuasaan pemerintahan' sajalah yang dimiliki umat. Dan di dalam Islam tidak diakui (tidak ada) 'Sistem Kerajaan' atau Aristokrasi. Pemerintahan Islam adalah 'Negara Kesatuan', bukan 'Negara Bahagian'. Inilah salah satu contoh yang pernah terjadi dahulu semasa kekhilafahan masih berlaku, dan ia bukan sekadar perbandingan teoritis tetapi merupakan sebuah peraturan yang terbukti di dalam kenyataan kehidupan.
5. Bidang Ekonomi: Al-Quran (dan Sunnah Rasul) telah memberikan batasan pemilikan bagi individu, masyarakat dan negara. Telah ditentukan apa yang boleh dimiliki oleh individu dan apa yang tidak. Juga telah ditentukan tentang pemilikan sesuatu (benda) yang bersifat umum, tidak boleh dimiliki oleh per individu, seperti laut, sungai dan lain-lain.
Peraturan yang terdapat pada Al-Quran (dan Sunnah Rasul) memberikan petunjuk pelaksanaan tentang jaminan pemenuhan keperluan asas setiap individu menurut kadar dan dalam keadaan seadil-adilnya.